Bandwidth to Support Convergence
Convergence means combining or converging voice, data and video
onto a single network. Enterprises usually need to expand their
LAN bandwidth and set up a QoS or Quality of Service priority
system to give priority to real-time streams such as telephone
calls or video conference feeds, which are more sensitive to network
delays than data transfers. Most often, the common protocol for
convergence is IP.
What Does Fully Converged Mean?
MPLS networks that are described as fully converged ensure that voice, video and data packets can co-exist without interference. This is done by managing class of service and bandwidth on the network.
When Should You Use VPLS?
VPLS might be the right service for your company or organization if you need to connect anywhere from a few to a few dozen locations as if they were on a single Local Area Network. Advantages of this approach, compared to a private network arrangement with individual point to point connections back to headquarters, include lower latency, higher efficiency, and lower cost... perhaps much lower cost.
How MPLS Enables VoIP
Enterprise VoIP phone systems offer performance and cost savings advantages to businesses, but only if voice quality can be maintained. MPLS networks are specifically designed to maintain voice packet integrity.
Why International MPLS Networks?
If you do business internationally and need to connect your far-flung operations, an international MPLS network offers the opportunity to create a full mesh network so that any location can communicate to any other location.